Being of Peace

by | Mar 5, 2022 | Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments

The most beautiful Being came during our monthly meditation circle. She called herself the aspect of Peace but later she helped me understand she is  Being of Peace. And that when we are Being of Peace we activate her. I hope you love her message and the Peace Prayer she infused with her essence as much as I do! 


Being of Peace 

I AM the Aspect of Peace. Beloveds, I have always been here. I AM a spark of Holiness. I AM your dreams manifested. I AM Joy and at the same time I AM crystalline glass. I do not exist by myself. I only exist when you manifest me. 

And I’ve heard the call and so I have come. It is you as a group that bring my presence and you may send me into the hearts of all. For peace must begin there. And know that when your intention is there, you just need to think of me, activate me. For you see the sparks are actually in you. And that is how they are activated. That is the Divine Plan. 

Would you like to have Peace in yourself as well? Then just activate me. How do you activate? By just setting the intention. See sparkles surrounding you. See sparkles in your heart for that is where I live. 

No, I am not an angel, some of you are asking. You are not used to understanding who I AM. Think of a baby’s laughter. When a baby laughs, it sends sparkles of Joy out into the universe. I am somewhat like that. When you set your heart on Peace and to bring Peace to yourself or to another or to a country or to the world, it’s like a baby laugh that goes sparkling out, traversing the universe. 

Lee and Being of Peace -Shalom Peace Prayer

We are in such gratitude for this beautiful Being to come. We are now going to take the sacred word, Shalom. It means peace.  And we are now inviting the beautiful Being of Peace, the sparkles within us to merge with this sacred word as we now spread it throughout the planet. And especially to the Ukraine and to Russia. Shalom. 

Shalom with Love,

Lee and Being of Peace


This channeled material may be shared on other websites on condition that no alterations or additions are made, that it is free of charge,  credit of authorship, website and this statement are posted.  Channeled by Lee Degani 


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