Eva’s Butterflies

Eva’s Butterflies

When Kailyn told me the theme was butterflies, I was so excited! “You can give all the guests milkweed seed packets,“ I told her!“ The plants help the monarch butterflies from going extinct!” I didn’t make the connection of the butterflies to Eva though, until the...
AAMichael: Seeds of Peace

AAMichael: Seeds of Peace

AAMichael channeled by Lee Degani I Am Michael, Mi-cha-el. Welcome. Greetings. Love, Peace, Joy. I am a warrior, a warrior of peace. And with the peace do not these things come? Love, Joy, Peace? For are they not one and the same from Source?. From the Divine Mother?...
Being of Peace

Being of Peace

The most beautiful Being came during our monthly meditation circle. She called herself the aspect of Peace but later she helped me understand she is  Being of Peace. And that when we are Being of Peace we activate her. I hope you love her message and the Peace Prayer...