

by | Oct 7, 2024 | Lee's Love Notes, Spiritual Growth | 0 comments

Friday evening Oct. 11th begins the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people, Yom Kippur. It is a sacred day that focuses on forgiving those who have hurt or harmed us and asking for forgiveness of those we have harmed, including ourselves.

I suppose most of us have experienced times when it just feels too hard to forgive another or even ourselves. But such inner work which is an essential part of spiritual growth and transformation in all traditions is actually “for-giving ourselves a gift,” It cuts the energetic ties that are keeping us tied to the situation that is causing us distress. It never means condoning or accepting the poor behavior.

What we are really doing is forgiving the person for not being aligned with one’s Divine Self. Even the translation of Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement,  reminds us that Being “At-One-Ment” with the Divine is the answer to everything. For then we see, understand and act from the higher perspective of Love.

Read how I dealt with a mistake I made and forgiveness: The Gift of a Mistake

Take the step of forgiving yourself and others with a channeled song: Yahweh’s Song.

💕Love always, Lee

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