Arcturian Message: Being Mindful

by | Mar 8, 2024 | Channeled Messages, The Elders | 2 comments

I love the whole idea of mindfulness and have practiced it or at least try to practice it for many years now! I love the state of peace that it brings. But I never really thought of it as a way to create the reality we wish as the following channeled message tells us. Hope you love it as much as I do!

Anjah: Being Mindful channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Greetings, I AM Anjah. I am known in the galactic arena as you are known. I come from Arcturus but I come from many other places as you do. But you have chosen that I shall speak to you today in this form. Yes, it is your calling out, it is your asking that brings that which is needed. And so I have answered the call. And though I speak as One, I speak as the many.

You see the tiniest ant crawling on the earth, on the dirt and it has its purpose. It has its consciousness, it has its knowing, of what it is to do, how to move forward, when to pause. And so you too, beloved, you too have the same knowing. The same consciousness of when to move forward and when to pause.

Know that every thought that comes radiates out and it calls to others that are the same. So it may form that ball of consciousness and that ball of consciousness is like an antennae. But it is an antennae that pulls the answers, pulls the radiations that match the frequency to it.

That is why, we ask you often and we bring you the message to be mindful. Oh yes, mindfulness, it is a popular phrase, is it not? But it is one that we have brought to you. For we have learned ourselves what to be mindful about. Mindfulness not only brings you into the state of peace and calm but it allows you to create the reality that you wish. It allows you to be aware of what are you sending out, what are you forming into that ball. What is it attracting?

And so, we ask you to become the mindfulness, to be aware of every step, to be aware of every thought, to be aware of every word. You may question, how is this possible? How can one even start? And that is the answer to just begin without berating if there is a misstep. Without regretting if there is forgetting. Even if it is just a moment in time that you become aware, that you are mindful of what you are thinking, saying, doing. That is a step.

And so we leave you now. Yes, I Anjah, I leave you for it is I that is speaking for the All. And so I say, we leave you with much Love and with the remembrance of the gifts of being aware. Farewell. ”

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  1. Nora M Farr

    I used to get Arcturian messages via email once a week and have not received any lately. Are you still sending them out?

    • Lee Degani

      Hi Nora, I only send out the Arcturian messages sometimes but do send out many other channeled messages through my weekly “Love Notes” To subscribe, scroll to the bottom of my website homepage.

      Much Love,
      Lee xxx


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