Archangel Uriel’s Car

by | Nov 20, 2022 | Angels, Lee's Love Notes | 2 comments

I finally convinced my husband, David, that we need a new car.  After all, with a new granddaughter on the way, we will need to have room for two carseats and four adults when traveling with the babies and their mamas. And Rachel and Marissa aren’t quite ready to trade in their five-seaters.

So we began test driving different cars with a third row. My requirements were the car had to be easy to drive and feel just right! I am really not a car person so I can’t even tell you which cars we tested, but none of them felt right until we tried the Kia Sorrento. “This is it!,” I excitedly told David. “This one has good energy!” 

There was only a white color on the lot so we said we would wait until more colors would be available. After all,  the baby wasn’t here yet.

When the cars were in, David went to pick one out. The plan was he would call me with color choices. He told me there was a gray one that had all the gadgets he wanted. That was fine with me. 

But when I saw the car, it wasn’t gray, but the most beautiful glistening silver! I didn’t put two and two together though that this was AAUriel’s doing, the Angel of Light. That is until I saw the license plate. 

I couldn’t believe it! The 1 & 7 adds up to 8-Infinity! The D is for our last name, Degani. The GLW is for Glow! And with the beautiful silver color there was no doubt in my mind. This was certainly AAUriel’s Car! 

You are probably wondering what all the excitement is about! You see, AAUriel, whose name translates as Light of G-d, comes with a beautiful silver color! He is also present  every time we work with the children in our Infinite Light Vision program, ILV,  which is part of the Infinite Child Institute!

 AAUriel is actually an overseer of our program and along with Metatron has been mentoring and guiding us since its inception! Not only that, using the infinity sign is my absolute go to and favorite spiritual tool! 

I just love that every time I drive AAUriel’s car we will be glowing! Radiating Light to everyone we pass! Thank you AAUriel! I just love our car!!! 

See you on the road!!

Have you had experiences with angels? I would love to hear about it! 

💕Love,  Lee and AAUriel 😇

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  1. Amy

    I’m searching for a new car and *happened* across your post – thank you for sharing your lovely story about Archangel Uriel and your Divinely-planned new car! Sending you and your sweet family many blessings! 🙏

    • Lee Degani

      Love it Amy! May an angel bring you a car too!! Love, Lee


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