Archangel Gabrielle: Be Careful with Your Communication

by | Jan 23, 2018 | Channeled Messages, Gabrielle | 0 comments

Archangel Gabrielle: What are your thoughts? What are your words? Be aware.

Archangel Gabrielle channeled by Lee Degani

I am Gabrielle, bringer of joy, bringer  of communication so that you may further understand. And you have asked a question and it is my joy to answer of the stillness that you feel within but yet you feel the rushing around you. With this new stage that you are in beloveds, you can choose which dimension you will be in.

And so when you choose to enter into the dimension that is of speed because things are coming and being done now speedily, much more quickly than ever before, you choose to go to that dimension, to that time frame which could help you understand it a little bit more. And just as you would slide down a sliding board in the pool, the silver glinting, and go very quickly, so that is what can happen here.

And you are seeing from your multidimensional viewpoint so that is why you can feel and be the stillness and yet at the same time you can be in the place of speed. And this is a transition place for you to go when you want to bring something into manifestation. It is almost as though you are putting a request in through a mailbox slot and there is a slide that takes it down to the pile. From that pile it will then be sorted out and go into the correct slot for further action to be taken. This is what happens when you send out your wishes, your thoughts.

And you are wondering and you are seeing that no sooner do you have a thought or a wish it seems that it is being fulfilled almost immediately. For that is the time and the place that you are living in at this moment. It is a cause for celebration is it not? So that is why I am asking you to be careful with your thoughts and be careful with your wishes and be careful with your communication. But that is what I do know, the art of communication. Let us take an example. You think of a person and how you would like to offer a gift or perhaps even return something that belongs to this person. And when you go out to the store all of a sudden that person is there. Yes, you have noticed this in times past. But begin to pay attention to this. Begin to pay close attention to every thought, to every word because you will see that it does come to fruition.

And then you say, well, if this is the case, Gabrielle, what about the huge projects that I would like to have come to fruition? The ones that I have been working on for many years. And so it is the same dear ones. What are your thoughts? What are your words? Be aware. Remember your skill to be the observer, to be aware of where you are in each moment. For what you put out will have an effect on what you have already asked for.

Now you may wish to take a breath and fill it with love, with peace, with joy and send it into the dimension of the speed. And see it like a shiny silver train that speeds down the railway. And then when it reaches its destination, the ending stop, the railway station, just as the people get out so do your wishes, your thoughts get out too and they are set free to go along their way to where their next destination is.  Watch them be released into the air and become one with the particles of the air. And now see them enter back into the train as it speedily makes its way back to you.

So this is what you have been feeling. You have been feeling the work, the work of love that happens in this dimension. You have been feeling the speed of how it works. But as you have learned and as you are learning, when you stay in this place of centeredness, of love, of peace, of following your joy, that is just a place that you feel, like the train going past you. You do not need be part of that or make the train go. But you can enjoy watching it as it merrily speeds by, as it takes off for its destination. Enjoy the glinting silver, the sun, and yes even the sun smiles.

And so we smile with you now, for each smile brings more joy. And what joy there is to know that you have reached this place of being the one to decide what it is that you are bringing into your life, to the world! And knowing that each thought of love, of joy is being sent to all. How can our hearts not sing with joy as we witness this! You are commended. You are loved. You are partners with thee and we love you without measure.

I am Gabrielle, bringer of joy. Bringer of the understanding of communication.

This channeled material may be shared on other websites on condition that no alterations or additions are made, that it is free of charge,  credit of authorship, website and this statement are posted.  Channeled by Lee Degani



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