Anja: The Names of Love

by | Oct 31, 2021 | Channeled Messages, Spiritual Growth | 0 comments

A message from Spirit Being Anja, channeled by Lee Degani

Shalom. I am Anja. The Arcturians have called to me and so I have come. Oh, you do not remember how you have called to me. But it is within the thoughts in the middle of the night in the dreamtimes. For we  have met many times. You know me and I know you. 

You have come with a purpose.  A purpose that is deeply engrained in your mind, in your heart, in your very being. And yes, it calls to you. You are here to transform the world. The world of you. The infinite one. The infinite world. 

Love is a magic quotient. It allows you to ride on its back, in its heart. Oh there are many names for Love. There is the name of God, there is the name of DNA. There is the name of Source. There is the name of Wonder. There is the name of Fun. There is the name of Singing, the song of the heart. All these are the One. All these are the name of Love. 

Yes, there are many paths. But each is an expression. Each is a face of the diamond. Each is a facet and the diamond sparkles within. You are that diamond, beloved. There are many faces, there are many facets, there are many ways, there are many paths. Whatever you choose, it brings you to the sparkling face. Do you wish to have just one face at all times? No. For that would be quite boring now, wouldn’t it.   

So go and have the fun of exploration. Balance. Let each side of the diamond, each facet shine its light, shine its bright light. Remember that is you. Each side is polished when you allow it to come forth. So let all parts of you beloved, come forth. Do not favor one over another. 

Are there times, yes, when one is shining that is bright? Yes.  But then it is time to turn to the other side and let that one shine as well. And know that as you polish one side, the others are polished too. The diamond is one and you are one. One with Love. 

The star you see above is coming now to be within you now beloved. It has always been there. It is the diamond of the star. I leave you with much love, much to ponder I know. Farewell. 

This channeled material may be shared on other websites on condition that no alterations or additions are made, that it is free of charge,  credit of authorship, website and this statement are posted.  Channeled by Lee Degani 





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