AAYofiel: Beauty of Communication

by | Mar 24, 2023 | AAYofiel, Channeled Messages | 0 comments

Recently a friend told me that she was quite unhappy with her adult son’s choice of a girlfriend. She was also upset that his attitude towards his mother would change in a negative way after being with the girlfriend. She wanted to be able to tell her son this.

Of course, the mother’s feelings were already being communicated to the son and girlfriend. We talked about moving into a state of Love so she could see things from a higher perspective and then sending him a message from her heart.

AAYofiel (Jophiel) brought a beautiful message about this very subject:

Audio Recording

Dearest Ones, I am AAYofiel, angel of beauty, and I come today to speak to you about the beauty of communication. You are always communicating. It may not always be with the words that you utter, but your thoughts go out into the universe and we in the etheric realms, understand and receive what it is that you are communicating to us, because you are transmitting this throughout the universe.

Oh, we are not spying and we are not invading your privacy. But this is the way that your sacred self was designed for when we get into the higher dimensions, there is not hiding and there is not deceit. All of this that you wish to keep hidden, we do not reject, we welcome. Because we know the true self is only of Love, is only of Light.

Now how may you communicate in your earthly bodies? Yes, you do it with your words. Yes, you do it with your writings. You do it through your artwork, through your music, through the delicious meals that you design, that you create.

But here on the earth, you also have the ability to communicate your thoughts and to speak to each other. Many of you know that you know who it is before you answer a phone call. Why is that? Because it is the communication and then there is the communication of the heart that directs you, that advises you. It is through the heart where the beauty is, the deepest and the most brilliant and the most precious. It is like a jewel.

And it is with this heart communication that you may send your thoughts to a loved one when there is an issue or when you just want to send a message of reassurance. You were designed to do so. It is a matter of beaming this message from your heart to another, expressing your feelings but knowing that when you are in your heart, you also see all sides of the picture. If  you wish to let a loved one know something important, that you first go in and discover what it is that you truly want to say.

This beautiful communication can be experimented with on many different levels. You may communicate with us. Is that not how you are used to communicating when you say a prayer? That is also heart communication. It is a communication of Love. Communicate in the same way with your beloved friends, your family, your children, the animals that you so love. And yes, they will hear and yes, they will answer.

I leave you with this message of Love and Beauty that you may receive and you may continue receiving. Farewell.

💕 Love Lee and AAYofiel


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