AAUriel: Seeing as Angels

by | Jul 25, 2023 | AAUriel, Channeled Messages | 0 comments


Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Dearest One, I am AAUriel, bringer of Light, Light of the One, Light of you. And you can see this Light for it is You, beloveds. When you see with your heart, you are seeing with this Light. Yes, it is true that this channel was shut down eons ago, this channel that you could see, see through the heart and see without your physical eyes. It was always meant to be in conjunction with, so you would understand the path that you would take, that you could access the healing, that you could access the answers. 

And are the children showing the way? Yes, but what you think of as miraculous, of being able to see using the blindfold and that blindfold is not necessary, for you can just close your eyes and go within. These miracles are open to you and they are open to you now. 

Does the physical body need some help to ignite them, to ignite them  for you as an adult? Yes, that is why we have brought you the teachings, that is why we have brought you the techniques. It is just a matter of practicing beloveds, so that the neurons may be activated. They are within thee, within your physical essence, within your brain. 

So take the time, take the time each day, and tune in, practice. Use what we are bringing you and you will see the world through your Infinite LIght vision, the vision that Source One, that God, that the Divine Mother, Shekinah sees with. You will see the world in the way that we of the angelic realms see it. 

Yes, can you expect transformation, healing miracles, new ways of being in the world? Yes, so open your eyes, open your hearts, believe and begin. 

I leave you with love, I leave you with the heart love, the heart love  that enables you to truly see. Farewell. 

Love AAUriel and Lee

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