AARaphael: Seeds of Healing

by | Jan 27, 2024 | AARaphael, Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments

Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Lee: And coming out of the middle of our circle is AARaphael, angel of healing, angel of green, of the green elixir, angel of also of Joy because when we receive the beautiful healing all of the heavenly beings are filled with Joy. And we are too, we are filled with the Joy of Healing. And he comes now to speak to us:

AARaphael: Beloved ones, yes I come tonight but know that I have come each and every time that you have met. And each and every time that you have called out. And each and every time that you have prayed and each and every time that others have prayed for you. You may not have felt me, you may have wondered where is the healing? But I have been there and I am there. And know that you just need to think of me in your heart and I will be there. So open now that you may receive my healing and yes I am charge of that but the healing is of G-d. But there is nothing else. 

The light can take on many forms. Yes, you have been told that the Light of G-d is your soul. Know that that Light within also contains the seeds of healing. They just need  to be planted. They need to be planted within your psyche, within your consciousness, within your belief system and they will grow and they will blossom. So take them now, my seeds that I bring you. Yes, there have been times that AAMichael, Mi-cha-el  has come and he has given you seeds of peace. But know that the seeds of healing also bring the seeds of peace. For the seeds of healing are the base, the base that forms so you may grow, you may grow in wisdom, you may grow in understanding, you may grow in Joy. 

So where is it that you would like to take these seeds? You can plant them in your eyes, let us do so now. You can plant them in your elbow, let us do so now. You can plant them in your brain, let us do so now. You can plant them in your heart, yes, they can heal a broken heart. Let us do so. You can plant them within every part of your essence. Let us do so now. 

And what shall they be watered with? Sometimes beloved, they are watered by your tears. But they are watered by hope, they are watered by trust, they are watered by divine knowing. They are watered by truth, they are watered by Joy, they are watered by compassion, they are watered by a smile. 

And yes, you need the sun to shine, do you not, when a seed grows? You have a light within, in your very soul, the inner light. That is your sun that may bring the radiance so the seeds may grow and blossom and that sun within is connected to the great central sun which is the means that brings the divine light from the whole to you. 

I leave you my watering can. If you look inside you’ll see that the water is green. That is my green elixir, my green healing elixir. I leave it with you so you may everyday also bring, bring this to water the seeds. And I leave you now, with much love, with healing. And know that as you water these seeds, they go throughout Gaia, through the earth. They go into the trees, they go into the grass, into the waters and they bring healing to where it is needed. So keep planting the seeds and I will be right with you, helping them to grow. Farewell. 

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