AAMichael: Bubble of Love

by | Aug 22, 2024 | AAMichael, Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments

So many of us as Lightworkers have learned early on to place a bubble of protection around us each day. AAMichael asks us to see this as a Bubble of Love, for it has the power to transmute anything of the lower vibratory nature into Love. I am certainly going to be using a Bubble of Love from now on!

AAMichael: Bubble of Love channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording 

“Greetings, I am AAMi-cha-el, Michael, warrior of peace, angel of blue and I come to answer the question of protection. For this is the question that has been asked, of the bubble of protection that can be put around one’s self. And yes, beloveds, we have brought you this gift with many others. For when you put the bubble of protection around you, it only allows Love and Peace, Joy to enter your sacred field. But you tend to think of this bubble as one that is repulsing or shooing away, not allowing that which is of the lower vibratory nature. 

And yes, it is what we wish for you, that it is not part of your field, for it can affect you and bring you to thoughts and actions that are not beneficial. But this bubble of protection, beloved, think of it as a Bubble of Love, for that is what it is. And it has much power. 

It is not to repulse that which is coming into your field, that you do not wish to carry, that you might be fearful of. It is to help to transmute it, for within each action, each word, each thought that can bring you to a lower place whether it is coming from your sacred self or it is coming from another, these are just part of a unified field of All. And this Bubble of Love will help to draw it into its outer layers of Love. and bring it to something else, to help elevate it. 

I have given you many times as well, my shield of protection and we have always used that word, “protection,” for that is what you have been able to understand, that you feel secure, that you feel protected. But now you are  in a place where you can understand and accept that it is the Shield of Love that has many powers to itself. The power to, yes, keep it from your field, but the way that it is working is the divine intention that it will transform, transmute, those thoughts, those words, those actions, what you would think of as the lower vibrations whether it is someone that is saying something to hurt you or unkind words or actions that you feel are against you. 

Those actions, those words are ones that as you ascend, as you evolve, you understand that you yourself have called them into being. Now, there is no judgment in this. This is just the way you have been designed that you can learn that you have power within to transform, to evolve anything, for that is the power of your sacred healing. 

So yes, put your bubble of protection each day, each morning, for you are surrounding yourself with all of us, the angels, the prophets, the wise masters, the divine. And you are surrounding yourself with the Light that is within you, the divinity. 

So come and let us do it now. Choose the color that comes to you or perhaps is your favorite. It can even be a combination or colors you do not normally see on earth. And let this Bubble of Love begin to expand around you. It is just a matter of using your knowing, of using your imagination, visualizing or just asking that it is done. And feel it take its place. You can expand this bubble just with your thoughts, your intentions or you can keep the edges coming closer to you. This is your Bubble of Love, this is the protection, this is your connection. 

Now, I am quite partial to blue for blue is the color of peace, is it not? And it is the color that I come with. Let us now use my bubble and bring it not only around your bubble but bring it around all that are on Gaia, that are on earth. And within this Bubble of Love, there is Peace. 

Farewell with much Love. “

Love, Lee



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