AAGabrielle: New Beginnings

by | Apr 28, 2023 | AAGavriel, Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments

May is a special month for my family! My husband, son and I all have May birthdays. This year is a big one as my son is turning 40 and my husband 70- although he insists he is turning 29! As for me, I still can’t figure out my age! I think 16!  AAGabrielle brought such a bubbly birthday message I am still floating with Joy! Hope you love it as much as I do!! 

AAGabrielle: New Beginnings Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

I Am Gabrielle and I work with my brother, my brother of the violet ray. For I too come in to say, “Happy Birthday” and to bring you my bubbles of joy for is not a birthday a time of joy? Is a birthday not a time of a new beginning? And beloveds, every single day is your birthday! Every single day, you can celebrate! Not just once a year, not just when there are major birthdays such as a 70th or 60th. But each day is your birthday and each day, we celebrate that. 

Now, what can you do with my bubbles? Yes, they can go in that champagne! But did you know that you don’t even need to have that bottle of champagne? Because these bubbles are your birthright, these bubbles of joy, of new beginnings. Each time that you laugh, each time that you have a thought that is happy, a thought that is carefree, it manufactures bubbles. You don’t think I provide them all, do you? We manufacture these in tandem with each other. Each moment when there is a smile, there are bubbles. And these bubbles go out into the world and they affect everyone that they come in contact with. 

No, they cannot always be seen by the naked eye. But they can be felt. And so I ask you to keep this in mind because these bubbles of joy can bring you to a place that is manufacturing Love. Can Love be manufactured? It’s an odd term, isn’t it? But just as Joy brings the bubbles, so does Love bring the sacredness, the highest vibration. Yes, Love is already an energy. Love is what you might think of as the sacred or as G-d. But Love also brings more Love. You have the power, beloveds, to be these creators, to bring more Love into the world and I am proud to say, I am in Joy to say, that using my bubbles can help you do just that. 

Now using my bubbles to call in the Love, the Healing Love, is what each of you can do as well. It does not matter if it’s the lymph system that is not moving, that is causing so much swelling. Or it does not matter if there is a hurt pinky. This can heal all. Bring it into your very essence and let these bubbles flow throughout. They have the power to expand. They have the power to expand whatever is needed. They have the power to decrease if there is too much of something. 

So keep this in mind. I give you that glass of bubbly Joy right now and I ask you to drink it and feel those bubbles. And let them now go into every part of your being. Know that any time that you pick up that glass, you will receive more. And beloveds, the glass is never empty. 

I leave you now with laughter, with Joy, with new beginnings, with birthday celebrations to celebrate each day. And for healing with my bubbles of Joy, my bubbles of Love, your bubbles, our bubbles. Farewell. 



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