AAGabrielle: Dissolving Masks

by | Mar 25, 2025 | AAGavriel, Channeled Messages, Gabrielle, Healing | 0 comments

During our March meditation healing circle, AAGabrielle came with such a beautiful message of how to dissolve the masks we all wear. You know the list; the mask of not being good enough, the mask of judgment, the mask of not being able to communicate how we really feel…. She explained that when we let the heart speak even if we are not ready to do so with our words, the masks will begin to dissolve. This just seems so profound to me! 

 AAGabrielle: Dissolving Masks channeled by Lee Degani

Greetings, I am AAGabrielle. Yes, I come in Joy, I come as Lily of Love, I come as Trumpeter of Truth. I come as Angel of Communication and tonight I come to help thee dissolve masks. So why would I come as Archangel of Communication because doesn’t a mask stop communication? A mask covers up doesn’t it. One can wear a mask over the eyes, the eyes are the window to the soul.  A mask can cover up one’s mouth, can it not? But beloveds, what are the masks that you are wearing? What are the masks that are covering up who you really are? 

Now there is no judgment in this at all and there is the mask of judgment, isn’t there? There is the mask of superiority, there is the mask of yes, hatred. There is the mask of not being good enough. All of these masks are throughout the world and they can be removed. There are masks around countries, are there not, just as there are borders. Borders do not let others in unless they are given special permission. 

Now there are times that a mask is needed. There are times that if you are in a situation where perhaps where the air is not as clear and you need to wear a mask, and of course the thoughts are coming up now, aren’t they, of the time when many were asked to wear masks, were forced to wear a mask  because of what was called the pandemic. And the masks, they influenced the children did they not? And many children were not able to learn to communicate as easily. So tonight we remove all those masks. 

Now I am giving you the choice because you always have the choice of which masks in your life you wish to remove. So take a moment and decide what that will be. Perhaps there is the mask of sorrow. Perhaps there is the mask of grief. Perhaps there is the mask of wanting to hide. Perhaps there is the mask of hiding thoughts. Perhaps there is the mask of hiding the truth. Perhaps there is the mask of hiding memory, the memory of how things should be. 

And you say, but AAGabrielle, we need to have a mask because sometimes I’m in a situation where I don’t want to hurt another’s feelings. And we applaud you for that. So what we ask you to do in situations such as these is to let your heart speak and there is not a need to use your words. 

So I leave you with all of these thoughts and we who have come to help you with this, ask you to decide which masks you would like to now dissolve in your lives. Is it the mask of not being able to communicate what you really feel? Because that would only lead to more discord. 

What happens beloved, is when those masks are dissolved, it is the heart that then begins to speak. And the heart comes forward with understanding and compassion of how another feels. And we are asking you to be our partners with this, because as you know, there is much that we are all working on in the world and you are our boots on the ground. You are the ones to make this happen and it begins with deciding that it is the heart that will speak even if you are not ready to do so with your words. And it is that which will do the dissolving of the masks. Farewell. 

💕Love. Lee





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