AACelestiel: Message of Healing

by | Jul 26, 2023 | AACelestiel, Archangels, Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments

During our July meditation/healing circle, AACelestiel came with such a beautiful energy and healing for all of us. This was the first time that I  “consciously” met her! I was feeling somewhat depleted the other day and re-listened to her. I was immediately back to myself!!

AACelestiel: Message of Healing 

audio recording

video recording

Lee: And Celestiel, this beautiful archangel, is smiling and she comes with her message for us.

AACelestiel: Beloveds, you may not have heard of me, and you may not  feel  you know me, but I know you. I have always known you. I know every aspect of your sacred being. For you see, I am the connection of the heart to the grass, to the trees, to the stars. I ride on the connections, the heart connections. And I come in many roles, I have many jobs that I do, missions.

But the one I have been given tonight is to help you to discover and use your heart phone. So I am activating it now. There is a beautiful star that is right above you. The star is actually a part of you.

Perhaps you didn’t know that you are a star, a glimmering star in the night sky. But you are, for you are made with the energy not only of earth, but of the stars as well. That beautiful star, glimmering star, that bright energy calling to you.

Use your heart to connect and call. The code is Love. Focus on the Love in your heart. And now a stream is going from your heart to the star. And that beautiful star is sending back a message to you. I will stay right here as you receive that message. Ahavah

And now I ask you beloveds to see that beautiful star now inside the portal, the portal of healing. And now the waves of your heart phones are now connecting to the healing in the portal. For this is the strength you have, for this is the power you have. Perhaps you did not realize that you have the same power as Source One, for you are Divine. And whatever you decide when you go by your heart will come to be.

See how that heart phone is calling to the aspect of you inside the healing matrix. Send a message of what it is that you want. It is being written on the clouds and traveling that way as well.

And now beloveds, feel how the heart phone is now directing you and taking you up into this portal so you are merged as one.

Lee: I thank Celestial for coming tonight.


💕Lee and AACelestiel

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