AA Michael: Thought Creations

by | Jun 11, 2024 | AAMichael, Angels, Channeled Messages, Children | 0 comments

I have shared previously about Joseph, a nine year old Child of Light, who has come to earth to help raise the vibration of the planet. During our time together I too become the student, for this is the Joy of working with these children!

In a recent experience in the heavenly realms as we worked with his Infinite Light Vision, Joseph told me that everything was happening at once, which was somewhat confusing to him. We discussed afterwards that he was being shown how the universe operates outside of time with its infinite possibilities.

In another experience, Joseph found himself standing on a cloud, wondering why he didn’t fall through. He then saw a big hole in another cloud, again wondering why. The answer came when he saw God looking through the hole. He told me, “Whatever God thinks about, it happens.” Afterwards, he explained that whenever God wished to focus on something on earth, such as a person or country, the cloud hole automatically opens there. In another session when Joseph decided he wanted to see some sites in Japan, the cloud hole opened for him so he could travel there.

With my recent focus on being mindful of my thoughts, I know the message of “Whatever God thinks about, it happens” is really about us.  As Divine Beings, we all have the power to create what we wish with our thoughts as the starting point.

But what about those times when one gets caught in thought loops or has those obsessive lower thoughts? This certainly seems to be a theme I have been hearing lately for many with the resulting creations not what is desired.  AAMichael brought this beautiful message in answer to this.  Hope you love it as much as I do!

AAMichael: Thought Creations channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Dearest One, I am AAMi-cha-el, Michael. Greetings and congratulations! Congratulations for listening – for listening within, for listening without. For when you begin to observe, when you begin to notice, you then develop a stance of a warrior. But it is a Warrior of Peace and that is how I come to thee, a Warrior of Peace bringing you the essence of Peace.

Yes, I come to you with blue, that you see blue, for you associate blue with a peaceful essence, the sky, the waters. But beloved, there can be any color that you see that will bring Peace. For Peace begins within and it also begins without – for it is in the observance, the noticing that you can come out of what you may think of and what you term as a thought loop where the thoughts keep repeating and repeating and they are of the lower essence and you feel pulled down that you are in the mire – and you wonder how you can climb out because each time that you do, you are pulled deeper and deeper down.

When you call out and you ask for help, we are there, but it needs to be done in partnership. So what do we ask you to do when those lower negative thoughts come? We ask you to begin to just notice, just notice them. Notice what they bring within, what you are feeling in your body, what you are feeling in your mind.

Now can you think of them as children – children that are feeling lost, children that are calling out? For that is what a negative thought does, beloved. It calls out, pay attention to me. When a child is fearful or sad, or crying, what does the child do? The child runs to the mother, the father and receives the reassurance, the hugs, the kisses, the bandaids. And then the child goes off to play again and the hurt is no longer there because it is the Love that transformed it.

And so we ask you to do the same. The first step is to notice, to observe and then with each thought that you no longer wish to hold in your field, in your essence, acknowledge it with Love. Bring my Blue Peace for it has many uses, it has many powers. It has the power to transform. You may think of the thought as being washed away in the water and the dirt will come off from it and it will be clean and shiny and bright, transformed into a new thought.

And so, I leave you with this thought that you have the power to begin to change those thoughts that come. Yes, they come with feelings and energies that pull you down but they are just looking for a way to stop the loop and that way beloved, is to begin to notice – to notice without any judgment, to step aside. Let the thought come to you like a lost child, a hurt child. Love it and watch the magic as it runs away happily.

I leave you with Love, I leave with the power, I leave you with the knowing. Farewell. “

💕Love Lee



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