A Magical World

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Archangels, Children, Lee's Love Notes | 4 comments

Maybe it’s because I work so much with children that I see the world through a child’s eyes, as a magical one! And I have so many magical stories! Well, at least to me they are magical! 

For example, a few weeks ago I decided to return to playing the piano. I have pretty much been neglecting it as I have been enamored with my harpsichord  that I got a year ago. Although my piano was calling to me I just wasn’t motivated to practice.   

Last week my girlfriend called me from California and told me about a new Mozart sonata she had started. “You have to play it Lee! You will love it, especially the second movement!”  

Yesterday I received a surprise  package in the mail.  My friend ordered the music for me! And yes, I absolutely love it and can’t stop playing it! I mean, how magical is that! 

Then there are the magical stories with the children.  One of my teen students last week had a beautiful Blue Light appear in her room and at the same time heard her name being called. I was thrilled her spiritual gifts are opening from our work in the Infinite Child program. 

But the real magic happened a week later. Since she has been six years old, Mara (named changed) suffers from acrophobia, an extreme fear of heights and being on open stairways. Anyone who has acrophobia knows the vertigo and panic attacks can be debilitating. To reach her one high school class that meets upstairs she needs a special escort to go up and down the stairs. “It is really embarrassing,” Mara told me. “How can I go to college with this?”

I was able to easily find the root cause and worked with Mara to remove the energy blockage.  We celebrated that she was able to go up and down the open stairs in my house. 

Now the real test would come in the outside world. Mara and her mother went to the college she will be attending to practice. Although she had put in place the spiritual tools she had learned, going down a hallway lined with huge windows on each side immediately brought on a panic attack. She was stuck in the hallway! 

Mara facetimed me and we started from the beginning with her tools by calling in the archangels and her guides. They formed a grid around her and blocked out the sight of the windows. Mara was amazed that she could see them doing this for her. Not only was she able to walk down that hallway but with their further help able to go up and down the open stairway several times. 

Later Mara told me that while on the stairs she was told the name of the Blue Light that had visited in her room. It was Shekinah which is the Divine Mother energy. We both understood that  visit was to prepare her to actually see the angels helping her. It gave her the confidence to move forward.

Yes, so much magic in this story! But I believe the real magic is inside of Mara. She was determined to overcome her fear and so the spiritual world stepped in to partner with her. How magical is that!!! 

💕Love, Lee



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  1. Lindsey Harrison

    Hi Lee, what an awesome story you are sharing. Mara is so blessed to be given your help and insights.
    How marvellous the blue orb was the divine Mother and Mara could see the angels. It is wonderful her guides and angels stepped in to help her.
    Love and Blessings, Lins xxx

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Lins! I saw it all too as I was on facetime! It was just amazing and beautiful to be a witness to it! xxx

  2. Abbey Kushner

    What is your beautiful story I know how you work with your children it’s beautiful to see that they are so spiritual at such a young age I probably was also but didn’t even know it so stories like this a very beautiful to me many things happen between me and Faryn that is so spiritual

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Abbey! So wonderful that these children can get the support we didn’t have! xxxx


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