A Deeper Connection

by | Sep 20, 2024 | Healing, Lee's Love Notes, Spiritual Growth | 0 comments

Recently after returning home from traveling, we discovered our internet was down and a technician couldn’t come out for another two days. Since our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, I wondered what message the universe was bringing me. Had I lost my connection to the heavenly realms and my inner guidance? Or was I not as connected as before?

But the message kept coming that this was about deepening my connection. Hmmm.. I wondered how this would come about. I would just have to Trust. And that theme of Trust kept showing up all week….

When the technician didn’t show up and we were told we would be contacted within a week (there were a limited amount of workers due to a strike,) still I Trusted. I sent up my prayers and right afterwards received a text that we were scheduled for two days later.

When my phone hot spot wasn’t working for two Infinite Light Vision students-brothers, still I trusted. It gave me the opportunity to speak to their  mother who had been in a car accident and miraculously survived. She talked about Trust and our conversation deepened that Trust. Over the next few days, people kept bringing up the subject of Trust.

When the technician didn’t show up again, still I Trusted. I called our computer technician who came out within half an hour and set us up with a temporary fix. The next day, he rearranged his schedule to set us up with a better solution. Finally, after 10 days, the internet issue was repaired and we were back to normal with a lesser price!

But still I wondered. How did this all deepen my connection? Was it that I managed to stay above the situation and remain serene during the whole internet saga? When I saw the words come floating down, I just laughed,  “Okay, I get it!”


Trust = Connection

After all this, I am certainly feeling a deeper connection! And it isn’t through the internet- at least not the earthly one!

💕Love always, Lee

P.S. Do you have stories about Trust? I would love to hear them!

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