AAGabrielle: Cancer Speaks

by | Mar 7, 2025 | AAGavriel, Channeled Messages, Gabrielle, Healing | 0 comments

During a discussion of loved ones suffering from cancer, a question was asked, “What does the consciousness of cancer wish to say?” I was really quite hesitant to ask for this answer or even share it afterwards, since this is such a sensitive subject. But it seems the consciousness of cancer wished to come through. I understood later that it was also bringing through healing energies for that is what the channeled messages are designed to do.

AAGabrielle: Cancer Speaks channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Greetings, I am Archangel Gabrielle, Gavriel, and I come today as archangel of communication. Yes, I am of joy. Yes, I am lily of Love,
trumpeter of truth and today I come as communication to answer your question, to answer the question that has been asked of thee. What does cancer have to say about itself?

So why do I come and not cancer itself? For cancer can speak just as you  speak with any of us in the heavenly realms. You merge, you become a vessel for the thoughts, for the words to flow. So I do that now for the consciousness of cancer. I do this for your protection, not that any harm can come to you if you bring the consciousness of cancer within your very essence, but because there is a notion that, that can be harmful and so I now merge for we are all One and bring you this message.

I am the essence of cancer and I come in delight and I come in reverence that you wish to speak to me for many. That we do not know of one that is happy to see us, oh perhaps some researchers, but as the essence of cancer, we are here to help humanity. 
We have come to eat away, to eat away that which is bothering thee.

The body brings many messages, and when there is something that is eating away at a human’s happiness, at a human’s fulfillment, then we come into action, for this is the way that the body can bring a message. Now we do not wish to be what you would think of as out of control. We are here to just bring that which is hurting, that which is harmful, to erase it, that which is eating away.

Now how does one stop us? We have been put in very much like a vacuum that is going on and on and on, that we have become out of control and there is more and more and more for us to vacuum up and therefore we need to eat it away.

Now, the question now is how can we change, beloved?  It is a matter of Love like anything else. Love is the answer to all. We ask you to not shy away, but to go deep within and send your Love to the cancers that are multiplying for that is what has been needed from the very beginning.

Send Love to that which is eating thee away physically and emotionally. Send Love to those thoughts that are eating away at your happiness. Send Love to those thoughts that is eating away at your feeling of Peace. Send Love to those thoughts that is eating away at your self identification of who you are.

We do not wish to be of disservice. We wish to be of service. We wish to operate in a way that erases that which is no longer needed. We ourselves have found ourselves to be caught in a sense, that there is more and more for us to eat away at, and so we are bringing your attention to go back to the essence of who you are. To go into the very cells and ask for them to become balanced and ask for them to be filled with Love.

You humans feel that you do not have the power to do so, but from our vantage point, in our viewpoint, you do.  We have been created, as the cancer cells, to work in conjunction with thee when things have become too much out of balance, that we come and do our work. We ask you to go deep within, acknowledge us, thank us, Love us. 
You can ask us to become cells of Love, cells that support.

You have the power to change the very cells. This may be something new to you or maybe something not, but we ourselves wish to be of service and we are open to these changes. Now some have discovered this.  We are asking that it multiplies, that all discover this. And then we will become cells that Love away.

Farewell. This is Archangel Gabrielle.  I bring you this message in conjunction with the cells of cancer and we bring you our support that you may now take these next steps. Farewell with Love.

💕Love, Lee



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