
You are about to experience a life changing modality! Connection to Healing, home to the Infinite Child Institute, provides tools and classes to enable children and adults to transform every area of their lives. Whether you are here for yourself, your child, or a loved one…. Welcome!

Meet Lee Degani

Founder, Connection to Healing and the Infinite Child Institute

Teacher, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Healer

Learn about me and how I can help You, Your Child and Your Family

The Infinite Child Institute

Where children utilize their third eye to see and read blindfolded

How is this possible? How can this help my child?

Healing Sessions

How can removal of energy blockages enable healing?

How can Spiritual Tools help you and your family?

Classes and Events

Enabling children and adults to transform every part of their lives

The Power of Blue

I have never been one to go to the gym. The energies of all the people combined with the loud music and noise was always just too much for me to handle. Anyone who is an empath would definitely understand! And I am one to the nth degree! But recently, a friend told me...

Hearing Thoughts

People keep sending me messages to listen to the Telepathy Tapes which I have already been following. If you haven’t been doing so, I so hope you will! This podcast series explores the telepathic abilities of non-verbal children and young adults with Autism. Of...

A Grandmother’s Gift

When my daughter  dressed my granddaughter, Solstice, in an outfit with an owl on it, I didn’t understand its significance. At least not at first.  I was just excited that for some  unknown reason, I had happened to pack a sweater with an owl on it. I showed Solstice...

Tyson’s Heart Experience

Recently one of my adorable piano students, six years old, had to have oral surgery. Tyson was quite nervous about it and so was his mother, especially since parents  aren’t allowed to be in the room during the procedure. I told his mom, I would work on transmuting...


Serendipity! I just love its lyrical sound! Makes me feel like twirling around - laughing! I certainly love seeing synchronicities in my life! But serendipity seems to be so much more. The dictionary defines it as “the occurrence and development of events by chance in...

The Rabbi’s Christmas Lights

It is nine years now since the rabbi of the neighborhood, my dear husband, known as Rabbi David first began putting up the holiday lights for our neighborhood entrance. And so it has become a tradition! And it is also a tradition that I share the story of how it all...

Bali, City of Light

When the inner call came,  she knew she had to follow it, even though it meant leaving her  young child and husband for a few weeks. And so preparations began…. When Tomris, a teacher in training in my Infinite Light Vision program, shared her plans to travel to Bali...

The Bride’s Prayer Book

It was the frantic search for the jewelry that led Gloria to the prayer book. She hadn’t seen it since the day of her wedding over 60 years ago and didn’t even know she possessed it! But it seems her grandmother, Tova, wanted her to find it. For just as Tova and...

Healing the Wounds of War

I had an interesting question posed to me recently. Have I had any Divine  Downloads about storms being engineered by man. I was given the  following answer: Anything of division on the outside is a mirror of what is still divided within ourselves. To work on these...

Solstice’s Leaves

Recently when my twenty-two month old granddaughter, Solstice, was sick with a virus, I asked the heavenly realms what I should know in order to help her with healing energy. Solstice herself came smiling and showed me that she was holding a shimmering star on a...

Lee’s Love Notes

Stories, Experiences and Wisdom to help you further on your path

Channeled Messages

Read the Messages of Love and Guidance from the Angels, Ascended Masters and Lee’s Guides

AAGabrielle: Dissolving Masks

During our March meditation healing circle, AAGabrielle came with such a beautiful message of how to dissolve the masks we all wear. You know the list; the mask of not being good enough, the mask of judgment, the mask of not being able to communicate how we really feel…. Read the rest

AAMichael: Revisiting the Past

AAMichael came to answer some questions asked. It feels as though we all have these questions at various times of our lives. I just love the answers that he gives!

Audio Recording

Greetings I am AAMichael,  Archangel Mi-cha-el, warrior of Peace, angel of Peace, angel of blue and I come … Read the rest

AAGabrielle: Cancer Speaks

During a discussion of loved ones suffering from cancer, a question was asked, “What does the consciousness of cancer wish to say?” I was really quite hesitant to ask for this answer or even share it afterwards, since this is such a sensitive subject. But it seems the consciousness of … Read the rest

Gaia: Birthday of the Trees

During our February meditation healing circle we connected to the energy of Tu B'Shvat, a holiday known as the Birthday of the Trees. Part of the celebration involves eating different fruits to connect to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life that is within each one of us. ...

AAGabrielle: Dissolving Beliefs

Recently I attended a week long workshop for adults, Vision without Eyes. It was an incredible experience in so many arenas!  

When my husband and I first began working with children with this modality back in 2017, we were on our own with no one to confer with or exchange Read the rest

The Elders: The Voice Within

The Elders, a group of Arcturian Beings first began bringing me messages in October of 2022. I am always delighted to hear from them and especially with this message of how to hear our inner voice when we have difficult decisions to make.

Audio Recording

“Greetings, dearest ones.  We are … Read the rest

Angel of Light: Deservingness

During our January meditation healing circle, the Angel of Light came with what I consider to be a profound message. She explained that deservingness is really a made up term for we do not need to be “deserving” to receive healing or be in in a state of Joy!  Read the rest

St. Germaine: Imagine

Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Greetings. I am St. Germaine and I come to you with my title of Saint because it is to let you know, that you also have this same title. Now what is a saint? A saint is seen as someone who does good works, Read the rest

Metatron: The Sacredness of You

Metatron is the overseer of our monthly meditation healing circle. During the last circle, he also came through with this channeled message which brought us downloads of powerful healing and balancing energies.

Metatron: The Sacredness of You channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording 

Greetings, I am Metatron, holder of Read the rest

The Essence of Oneness

There is just something about this channeled message that calls to me. I have listened to it over and over again and each time I feel as though something so profound is being activated within me! I hope it touches your heart as well!

The Essence of Oneness channeled by … Read the rest

Connection to Healing

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