

You are about to experience a life changing modality! Connection to Healing, home to the Infinite Child Institute, provides tools and classes to enable children and adults to transform every area of their lives. Whether you are here for yourself, your child, or a loved one…. Welcome!

Meet Lee Degani

Founder, Connection to Healing and the Infinite Child Institute

Teacher, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Healer

Learn about me and how I can help You, Your Child and Your Family

The Infinite Child Institute

Where children utilize their third eye to see and read blindfolded

How is this possible? How can this help my child?

Healing Sessions

How can removal of energy blockages enable healing?

How can Spiritual Tools help you and your family?

Classes and Events

Enabling children and adults to transform every part of their lives

Solstice’s Leaves

Recently when my twenty-two month old granddaughter, Solstice, was sick with a virus, I asked the heavenly realms what I should know in order to help her with healing energy. Solstice herself came smiling and showed me that she was holding a shimmering star on a...


Friday evening Oct. 11th begins the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people, Yom Kippur. It is a sacred day that focuses on forgiving those who have hurt or harmed us and asking for forgiveness of those we have harmed, including ourselves. I suppose most of us...

A Deeper Connection

Recently after returning home from traveling, we discovered our internet was down and a technician couldn’t come out for another two days. Since our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, I wondered what message the universe was bringing me. Had I lost my...

Telepathic Children

I suppose many are intrigued by the thought of telepathy but  it is actually an ability we all have that just needs to be nurtured.  In a recent interview with United Network News, I share how we can not only learn from our children in this area but also encourage...

Month of Love

In the beginning of October this year,  the High Holy Days begin for the Jewish people. It is a time of inner work, purification and forgiveness  that lasts for ten days. This work is so important that preparation actually begins 30 days beforehand during the Hebrew...

Holiday of Love

At sundown on Aug. 18th, begins the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Av, also known as the Holiday of Love and can be celebrated by everyone! It ends sundown on Wednesday, Aug. 19th. In the Kabbalistic teachings, it is considered to be the highpoint of the year energetically...

Wired Differently

https://vimeo.com/936227550?share=copy Even as a baby, my grandson, Skyler, now four years old would get upset if we as adults discussed anything negative. We thought he may be seeing our faces or our way of speaking change. But when we experimented to see how he...

An Amazing Day

My dog, Oreo Cookie, came up in my facebook memories this week. It just doesn’t seem possible that it has been nine years since since he went over the rainbow bridge. Perhaps it is because his legacy lives on, especially with the children who learned the power of...

Isadora’s Father

It was at the luncheon after our student Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah service (rite of passage for a Jewish child) that Isadora’s father shared his story with us. He  was successful financially at an early age but yet he wasn’t happy within. And so he began his spiritual...

Jumper Cables to Heaven

After my husband shared the experience he had when his car wouldn’t start, I knew it was a reminder of the power we all have, especially when we unite with another with our Divine Light.  Here is the story…. After David had finished visiting his mother, he went...

Lee’s Love Notes

Stories, Experiences and Wisdom to help you further on your path

Channeled Messages

Read the Messages of Love and Guidance from the Angels, Ascended Masters and Lee’s Guides

Shechina: A Gift of Healing Flowers

Shechina, the Divine Mother, brought a beautiful gift of healing flowers during a monthly meditation healing circle. Here is her message and gift that will be downloaded into your essence.

Shechina: Healing Flowers channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“I say hello, my sweet ones. We do not really Read the rest

Shechina: The Essence of Glue


What do we do when we receive news that shatters our hearts? When we  wonder if the pieces can ever come back together again? This is such a beautiful and comforting message from Shechina, the Divine Mother.

Shechina: The Essence of Glue channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Dearest … Read the rest

AAMichael: Bubble of Love

So many of us as Lightworkers have learned early on to place a bubble of protection around us each day. AAMichael asks us to see this as a Bubble of Love, for it has the power to transmute anything of the lower vibratory nature into Love. I am certainly going Read the rest

Gaia’s Message

Gaia’s message  channeled by Lee Degani 

Audio Recording 

“Beloveds, I am your mother, your earth mother and I come in deep gratitude to thank you, for you are my children. For one who is a mother, you know the joy of birthing a child and the love that you have Read the rest

AAMichael: Words of Peace

Lately, I have been hearing talk about “toning down the rhetoric.” Back in the late summer of 2019, my husband decided to go on a “word fast” and announced it to everyone hoping they would follow suit. He absolutely would not say anything negative about another person. It was okay … Read the rest

Shechina: Tears of Love

Have you ever wondered if the Divine cries? This is a beautiful and heart opening answer from Shechinah, the Divine Mother.

Shechina: Tears of Love channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Dearest One, I am Shechina, Divine Mother, mother of your heart, mother of compassion, mother of you. The question … Read the rest

AAUriel: Removing the Tarnish

During our June meditation healing circle, AAUriel brought us such a beautiful message and special gift that I keep on going back to it to receive his awesome silver drops!  I have been pondering AAUriel’s request to connect to him or any of the Heavenly Beings. We are really always Read the rest

AA Michael: Thought Creations

I have shared previously about Joseph, a nine year old Child of Light, who has come to earth to help raise the vibration of the planet. During our time together I too become the student, for this is the Joy of working with these children!

In a recent experience in … Read the rest

Divine Mother: Connect to Me

During our May meditation healing circle, the Divine Mother came with what seems to be a simple request, that each day we wake up and connect to her, that we can find her in our hearts. She calls this connection the “Love of Thee.” This just seems so profound and Read the rest

Divine Mother: Petals of Love

I had the most beautiful experience recently! In conjunction with being very much aware of my thoughts, the idea came from above to substitute the word “Love” each time I found myself with a lower vibrational thought. I tried it and the most exquisite love energy was infused into me!  … Read the rest

Connection to Healing

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